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How do I take care of my jewelry? ¿Cómo cuido de mi joyería?

No matter what material your jewelry is made of, it is best to keep your jewelry away from perfumes, sweat, and harsh chemicals like chlorine from a pool. This prevents your jewelry from tarnishing and turning your skin green or blue.


No importa de que material esté hecha tu joyería, es mejor mantener tu joyería alejada de perfumes, sudor, u otros quimicos fuertes como el cloro de una alberca. Esto previene que tu joyería se manche rapidamente y torne to piel azul o verde. 

What does "gold-plated" mean? ¿Qué significa "chapa de oro?"

Gold-plated means that the jewelry is made of a metal, usually copper or silver, and then covered with a layer of gold.


Chapa de oro significa que la joyería está hecha de un metal, tipicamente cobre or plata, y luego bañada/chapeada en oro.

Still have questions? Get in touch and I'll be happy to help.

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